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Contact2Sim shows all phone numbers in two views:

- one for the numbers stored in the Android device itself.

- another for the numbers stored in the SIM card.

Tapping the "circling arrows" button in the action bar toggles between those two views.

A green check mark means that the number is already stored on both sides. These numbers can also be hidden (see menu) to see easily those not yet copied.

An extra icon shows the type of the number: mobile, home, work, or other.

Bulk operations are available from the menu: Erase SIM (from both tabs) and Copy the missing numbers (from one tab to the other).

Individual operations are accessed by a short tap on a contact: Edit, Delete, Copy, Dial and Send message. A contact can be created in the SIM card from the menu while on the SIM tab.

Once the SIM card is full, Copy and Add operations are not proposed until some numbers are deleted.

If the device contains contacts from different accounts (e.g. Gmail and Exchange), an additional [Show per account] menu entry is available on the left tab. This allows to show all the contacts or only those linked to a specific account.

Optionally, the type of the phone number can be appended to the name while copying from the Android device to the SIM. Work contacts get a /H, mobile contacts a /M and home contacts a /H. This may be activated through the [Settings] menu entry.

In the settings, it is also possible to ask for confirmation upon contact deletion.